Use These 5 Daily Habits of Awareness to Stay Safer No Matter Where You Go
Personal Safety should NOT be left to chance!
Using a little preparation beforehand, and trusting what you see or sense in a situation, can help avoid a lot trouble. These 5 daily Habits of Awareness can be used no matter where you go, and at any time of day:
Scan new spaces - Scanning is a Habit of Awareness that works when you’re entering any new space – parking lots, garages, shopping malls, tourist areas, etc. If something seems off, go back into the store or walk in a different direction.
Put your phone away when moving - Having your head up, with eyes focused ahead enables you to see who and what is around you. This takes away the element of surprise that a potential attacker prefers.
Use only 1 earbud (or none) - Hearing is as important as seeing when it comes to recognizing and responding to potential danger, whether it's an approaching car, or someone running by to grab your bag.
Look for alternate exits - You may not always be able to leave the way you came in. Look for side doors, windows, exit signs. If there's an emergency and you're in a restaurant, head for the kitchen. There's always a door there since it's where the food comes in and the trash goes out!
TRUST YOUR GUT! - Your instinct has ONE job: to keep you safe - and it's really good at it. If a person or situation sets off your internal alarm bells, LISTEN! Find a way to leave the situation. Using this Habit of Awareness means you don't override your instinct just because someone looks nice, or you don't see anything bad happening at that moment. Just leave!
Habits of Awareness can help you see and avoid danger, or possibly provide a few precious seconds to respond, verses having to deal with a surprise attack.
Know that you always have options for how to respond. If you try one thing and it isn't working, try something else! Do what you need to do to get out of a bad situation as quickly & safely as possible!
Be well. Stay safe! - Dawn
For more information on how prevention-based training can improve your workplace safety and provide a great team building experience, contact Dawn Armstrong at ThinkSafe Seminars today.
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